Finishing the Stator
These steps should be completed while concrete is still soft enough to finish, but after sitting for at least 24 hours.
Step 1
Remove all six nuts.
Step 2
Pry inner stator mold out of outer stator mold.
Step 3
Leaving stator in outer mold, brush the inside surface of the stator using a wire brush until the surface is rough. While image shows stator not in mold, you must leave the stator in the mold while brushing. A machine with smooth inner surfaces will work poorly. Wait an additional 12 hours before removing stator from outer mold.
Step 4
Remove bottom nuts.
Step 5
Loosen both expansion joints.
Step 6
Pry both joints open 1 cm. Be very careful not to damage stator. Lightly tap prying device, do not hit hard.
Step 7
List mold off stator.